The peeling is used to get a fresh and rejuvenated face.
The peel is designed to peel the skin to renew the upper layers of the epidermis. It works roughly like a scrub but with a much stronger effect. Unlike the scrub or microdermabrasion, the peeling is a chemical process based on acids.
It handles some scars, rosacea but also small wrinkles. It consists of a skin peeling to reduce the thickness of the upper layers of the skin. The facial complexion will be more radiant.
Peels performed in the office:
- Superficial Peeling: it allows you to restore radiance to your face. It acts only on the superficial layers of the skin. The result is a brighter complexion tightening pores and removing skin blemishes.
The treatment will peel your skin. This technique can also be recommended for acne problems.
You can resume your normal activities.
It is recommended that 3-6 sessions of 20-30 minutes every 10 to 15 days.
- Medium Peeling: it is intended for those of you who wish to erase a few lines, wrinkles and other facial imperfections. Rejuvenated effect guaranteed!
After the session, it will give the impression that you have a sunburn. Your skin will become brown in the days after treatment. It is best to take 2-3 days if you are working to ensure that the crust formed disappear. Scaling will fade after a week.
Healing creams will be prescribed.
Finally, it requires only one session of 30 to 45 minutes (or two the most).
Warning: it is not recommended to Métis skins, black, Asian, due to a high risk of depigmentation.
Finally, whatever the peeling you choose, UV exposure is forbidden and a high protection sunscreen is mandatory.
This type of facial treatment is also not recommended for people with heart problems, diabetes, kidney failure, problems of the lymphatic system, skin problems (herpes, eczema etc..). Finally, they should be avoided by pregnant women.
The peeling reactivates the natural production of collagen, forms new cells for a fresher and more toned complexion visibly.